www.rab-island .com                                te: 00385 (0)51 725053
  Apartments Maricic    
 Accomodation on island  of Rab beautiful and old  Mediteran  Town situatet  on  Adriatic coast             
Apartment `1 Banjol 79/a,RAB

maricic rab-island

.https://www.facebook.com/rabisland .

Apartment 1 | Apartment 2 | Apartment 3 | Apartment 4 | Apartment 5 | Palit Apartments

        Welcome on the island of Rab,one of the Croatian most beautiful islands.
Our house is situated opposite the old town of Rab. Near by you can find a new shopping center, market, fish market, as well as boat marine and a gas station. The nearest beach is only within a few minutes walk
.Apartments have one or two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, terrace and they can accommodate 2-6 person.
All of the apartments have SAT -TV, air-conditioning, parking place and a possibility to use a barbecue
Apartment 1 | Apartment 2 | Apartment 3 | Apartment 4 | Apartment 5
Accommodation on island of Rab beautiful and old Mediterranean Town situated on Adriatic coast.

Our second house in Palit is 1 km away from the first house.Palit Apartments zvijezda rab
Palit house  has 4 luxury apartments Apartments have one or two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, terrace and they can accommodate 2-6 person.All of the apartments have SAT -TV, air-conditioning, safe,hair dryer ,first aid , parking place and a possibility to use a barbecue.
Located near the shopping center, police station and ambulate. In the nearby bus station, bank, fish market ...
The nearest beach is only within a few minutes walk
Accommodation on island of Rab beautiful and old Mediterranean Town situated on Adriatic coast.

Palit Apartments ; zvijezda rab .

palit rab. palit rab . RAB
RAB . RAB . palit rab

virtual tour;

Apartment 1. Banljol 79/a , RAB , Apartment 2. Banljol 79/a , RAB ,

Apartment 3. Banljol 79/a , RAB , Apartment 4. Banljol 79/a , RAB ,

Apartment 5. Banljol 79/a , RAB ,


View Island-Rab,Croatia Apartment Maricic in a larger map 



Robert Maricic

Jana & Robert Maricic
Banjol 79/a
51280 RAB
Croatia (Hrvatska)

mob: 00385 (0)98 779 816
tel : 00385(0)51 725053

E-mail ; maricic-robert@inet.hr


RAB -Hrvatska ( Croatia )

The island of Rab belongs to a group of inner Kvarner islands. It is situated in the bay of Kvarner between the islands of Krk and Pag. The Velebit canal divides the island from the mainland, and there is a distance of 1800 metres from the nearest, southeastern cape, to the mainland. A population of 9 565 inhabitants lives in the area of 90,8 km2, in eight settlements: Rab, Lopar, Mundanija, Supetarska Draga, Kampor, Barbat, Banjol and Palit. According to the regulation about local government the island of Rab is one district, and the settlement Rab is administrative, governing and cultural centre of the whole island. Geographical position, suitable climate, flourishing Mediterranean vegetation, beautiful beaches, clean sea and abundance of sun, as well as a valuable cultural-historical heritage have all been favorable for the development of tourism. Today Rab is one of the most developed islands for tourism. In the central, cultivable part of the island, olives, wine grapes and vegetables are grown, whereas large portions of the island are covered with macchia and Mediterranean oak forests.The island is connected to the mainland by ferryboat lines between Mišnjak and Jablanac, there is also a ferryboat for the island of Krk: Lopar (Rab) - Baška (Krk).


Apartment 1 | Apartment 2 | Apartment 3 | Apartment 4 | Apartment 5 | Palit Apartments

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rab apartment

apartmani rab




























Apartment `2 Banjol 79/a,RAB
Apartment `3 Banjol 79/a,RAB
Apartment `4 Banjol 79/a,RAB
Apartment `5 Banjol 79/a,RAB

Palit Apartments "Palit "


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Jana & Robert Maricic
Banjol 79/a
51280 RAB
Croatia (Hrvatska)

RAB -Hrvatska ( Croatia )

The island of Rab is by all means one of the most beautiful islands in the Adriatic Sea. Beside the historic town of Rab, seven other idyllic places need to be mentioned: Barbat, Banjol, Palit, Kampor, Mundanije, Supetarska Draga and Lopar. Residents of Rab boast over a hundred-year-long tradition in tourism.The town of Rab was first mentioned in a Roman document in 10 BC when the emperor Octavian Augustus gave Rab the title of municipium and thus it gained independence. The town was even back then higly developed and its residents could enjoy in the luxury of running water and bathing resorts, a theatre, temples and well-planned streets. It is to assume that Rab had been founded way back than it was first mentioned in the document. The history of the island goes back to the ancient times when the Greeks, while sailing through the Adriatic Sea, reached Rab and named it Arba. Marino or Saint Marinus, who later founded the state of San Marino, originated on Lopar seventeen centuries ago. As a Christian preacher in Italy he was persecuted and later escaped to the nearby Monte Titano where he built a small church and thus founded what is now the city and the state of San Marino.A rich cultural and historic heritage are not the only appealing reasons for visitng the sunny island of Rab: captivating lagoons with sand and pebble beaches, lush Mediterranean vegetation, flora and fauna, diversity of underwater for passionate scuba divers, romantic promenades by the sea and numerous little islands scattered around the island of Rab. A Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters is an additional reason for visiting the island of Rab throughout the year.

Otok Rab jedan je od najljepših otoka Jadranskog mora. Pored antiknog gradića Raba, na otoku se smjestilo još sedam idiličnih mjesta: Barbat, Banjol, Palit, Kampor, Mundanije, Supetarska Draga i Lopar. Rabljani se mogu pohvaliti tradicijom bavljenja turizmom od preko 120 godina.Grad Rab spominje se prvi put 10 godina prije Krista, kada ga u rimskom dokumentu tadašnji cezar Oktavijan August proglašava municipijem i odobrava mu samostalnost. Rab je već tada bio razvijeni civilizirani grad jer su njegovi stanovnici uživali u raskoši tekuće vode, kupalištima, kazalištu, hramovima, uređenim ulicama... Ove činjenice ukazuju da je Rab nastao i puno ranije od prvog spominjanja u nekom službenom dokumentu. Povijest cijelog otoka Raba pak seže još u antička vremena kada su stari Grci plovili Jadranom i nadjenuli otoku ime Arba. Valja napomenuti i osobu imenom Marino koja je rođena u Loparu pred otprilike 17 stoljeća. Radi se o čovjeku koji je kasnije otišao u Iatliju propovjedati kršćanstvo, ali je bio proganjan pa se sklonio na brdo Titan i sagradio crkvicu. Na temeljima te crkvice kasnije su nastali mali grad i državica San Marino.Osim bogate kulturne i povjesne baštine, privlačnost otoka Raba i njegovog sunca, mora, ljubavi i ljepota dodatno naglašavaju mnogobrojne uvale pješčanih, šljunčanih i kamenih plaža, bujna vegetacija i bogata fauna, šaroliko podmorje privlačno svim ljubiteljima ronjenja, masivi sa uređenim šetnicama, te brojni okolni otočići. Ugodna i često spminjana Mediteranska klima, koju odlikuju topla ljeta i blage zime, dodatan je razlog za posjet otoku Rabu tijekom cijele godine, bilo ljeti ili zimi.

Die Insel Rab ist auf alle Fälle eine der schönsten Inseln im adrianischen Meer. Neben der historischen Stadt Rab müssen sieben weitere idyllische Orte erwähnt werden: Barbat, Banjol, Palit, Kampor, Mundanije, Supetarska Draga und Lopar. Die Einwohner von Rab rühmen sich einer mehr als einhundert Jahre alten Tradition im Bereich des Tourismus.Die Stadt Rab wurde erstmals in einem römischen Dokument 10 v. Chr. erwähnt, als der Kaiser Octavian Augustus Rab den Titel „municipium” gab und die Insel so ihre Unabhängigkeit gewann. Die Stadt war sogar damals schon hoch entwickelt, und seine Einwohner konnten den Luxus genießen, fließendes Wasser zu haben, Ferienorte, ein Theater, Tempel und gut geplante Straßen ihr Eigen zu nennen. Es wird angenommen, dass Rab schon lange bevor es in diesem Dokument erwähnt wurde, gegründet wurde. Die Geschichte der Insel geht in alte Zeiten zurück, als die Griechen, indem sie durch das adrianische Meer segelten, nach Rab kamen und es Arba nannten. Marino oder der Heilige Marinus, der später Staat San Marinos gründete, kam vor siebzehn Jahrhunderten aus Rab. Als ein christlicher Prediger in Italien wurde er verfolgt und flüchtete später in das nahe gelegenene Monte Titano, wo er eine kleine Kirche baute und das gründete, was jetzt die Stadt und der Staat San Marino ist.Ein reiches kulturelles und historisches Erbe sind nicht die einzigen ansprechenden Gründe für einen Besuch der Sonneninsel Rab: Fesselnde Lagunen mit Sand und Kieselstein Stränden, üppige mediterrane Vegetation, Flora und Fauna zu Land und im Wasser für leidenschaftliche Sporttaucher, romantische Promenaden durch das Meer und zahlreiche kleine Inseln erstrecken sich um die Insel Rab. Ein mediterranes Klima mit heißen Sommern und milden Wintern ist ein zusätzlicher Grund, die Insel Rab das ganze Jahr über zu besuchen.

L’isola di Rab fa parte del archipelago della baia del Quarnero Adriatico. Oltre alla cittá antiqua che porta il steso nome della isola – Rab, nella isola si sono sistemati 7 posti idilici: Barbat, Banjol, Palit, Kampor, Mundanije, Supetarska Draga e Lopar. Rab è popolata da 9.000 abbitanti che vivono più o meno dalla agricoltura , pesca , costruzione navale e turismo che puo vantarsi da una tradizione di più di 120 anni.
Lunga storia della cittá di Rab incomincia da 10 anni prima di Cristo, cuando in un documento romano per la prima volta si nomina la cittá di Rab, che l’ imperatore romano Oktavijan August pronuncia il municipio e approva la sua indipendenza. Rab in quella epoca era giá una cittá civilizata e svilluppata, e questo si puo vedere dal fatto che gli abbitanti godevano il lusso d’acqua corente , balneari, il teatro , tempii , le vie ordinate. Questi fatti mostrano che Rab sorge anche molto più prima del essere nominata in uno degli documenti ufficiali.Si deve menzionare anche la persona Marino che è nata a Lopar da primadi circa 17 secoli. Questa persona poi è andata in Italia a predicare cristianitá, ma è stata perseguita e si è rifuggiata sulla collina Titan dove ha costruito una chiesetta. Sulla base di quella chiesetta doppo nasce piccola cittá - stato di San Marino.
Oltre a una ricca storica e culturale eredita la attrazione della isola di Rab ( oltre al sole , mare , amore ) è accentuata dalle molte valle di sabbia ,spiaggie con piccoli sassolini e di pietra, esuberante vegetazione e ricca fauna, svilluppato subacqueo , attraente per tutti gli amiratori di nuoto sotto l’acqua, le grotte con le passeggiate ordinate e infine tantissime piccole isolete. Piacevole, tante volte menzionato il clima Mediteraneo, che si distingue dalle estate caldi ed inverni mite, fa una raggione in più di visitare la isola di Rab durante tutto l’anno, sia d’estate che d’inverno.

Accommodation on island of Rab beautiful and old Mediterranean Town situated on Adriatic coast.

Apartmani Rab Hrvatska,Banjol, Barbat,Rab, Kampor, Lopar,Palit, Supetarska Draga

RAB se prvi put spominje u putopisu grčkog geografa Pseudo Skilaksa, koji otoke Rab i Pag spominje pod zajedničkim imenom "Mentorides".U Ptolomejevim spisima spominje se otok Skardona, a na njemu dva grada: Arba i Kollenton. Od kasnijih grčkih i rimskih putopisaca i geografa, Plinije Stariji u svom djelu "Povijest prirode" (Historia naturalis), spominje Rab pod imenom Arba.

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